--'Dead Baby BBQ' CDR
--'Asshole Cassarole'CDR
--'Puking Blood' Split CDR with Bloody Rectum
--Split CDR with Noise Nazi
--split cdr with Colico
--Split tape with Bukkake Violence Kommando
--Split CDR with Pig Bitch
--Split CDR with Crocidile With Crocidiles For Limbs
-- 3way split CDR with Tea Party Violence and Stump
--Split CDR with Handicap Handjob
--Split Tape With HxAxSx
--Split tape with Tea Party Violence
-- 3 way split cdr with Anal Inauguration and Stan Darsh
--Split Cdr with Buckets Of Piss
--Split Cdr with Menstrual Dip
--Split tape with Anal Inauguration
-- 1 track on '100 ways to kill a scene fag' compilation tape
-- 1 track on 'Destroy your brain' 50 way compilation cdr
--Split with mcdr Cuntoxt
--split cdr with Cedric's lettuce
--split tape with Anal Cake
--split tape with Anal Cake
--Split cdr with Blockhead's Guts
-- full length/EP " Anal Curtains" cassette/re-released on CDR
--2 tracks on Small Doses grind compilation on Mortville Records.
--1 track on shitnoise compilation
--split cdr dvd case with HxAxMxNxAxUxSxCxHxR
-- 1 track on 13 vol.1 compilation
--split tape with Ritual Hate
--split cdr with Disleksick
--split cdr/dvd case with Rectal Twat
-- split cdr #2 with Noise Nazi
-- 10 way grind split cassette on Sludgesicle records
-- split cdr with Facial For two
-- split mcdr with Fall The Wall
-- split mcdr with Gorgonized Dorks
--split cdr with Xcrymore
--ep "5 years of shitty noise"
--split mcdr with Torture Border
--Split tape with To-Bo
--split cdr with PxMxSxZx
--Split tape with To-Bo
--split cdr with PxMxSxZx
--Split tape with Hyperemesis
--split mcdr with Caca Sonica
--6 way split of evil cdr
--1 track on MMR Christmas compilation
-- split cdr with Collapse Madness
--Split tape with Boneache
--Split cdr with I will Guillotine Your Chihuahua
-- Split cdr with Noise Helviti
--split cdr/download with Menso Noise
--Split cdr with Breakfast on Jupiter
--Split cdr with Fatal Position
-- 1 track on shit noise 23 compilation
--Split cdr with Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum
--split mcdr with Caca Sonica
--6 way split of evil cdr
--1 track on MMR Christmas compilation
-- split cdr with Collapse Madness
--Split tape with Boneache
--Split cdr with I will Guillotine Your Chihuahua
-- Split cdr with Noise Helviti
--split cdr/download with Menso Noise
--Split cdr with Breakfast on Jupiter
--Split cdr with Fatal Position
-- 1 track on shit noise 23 compilation
--Split cdr with Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum
--5 way split with Stillnox/ PxMxSxZ/NxHxIx/ Born a Bastard
-- "fun with fecal matter" cdr
-- "fun with fecal matter" cdr
-- Split tape with Sordo
--Split tape with Captain 3 Leg(cdr version out soon)
-- 5 way split cdr with Porra Loka/Culo/ UxPx/ Frowzy
-- 4 way split cdr with Evicerated Zombie Tampon/ Torture Border/ She Destroys Hope
--Split tape with Captain 3 Leg(cdr version out soon)
-- 5 way split cdr with Porra Loka/Culo/ UxPx/ Frowzy
-- 4 way split cdr with Evicerated Zombie Tampon/ Torture Border/ She Destroys Hope